Terms and conditions of Business with Orchid Fitness


Orchid fitness disclaimer details.


The terms and conditions of buying the pre-recorded exercise sessions are as follows.

Please ensure that you have completed the information form sent to you via email.



Please read and accept the terms of the following disclaimer.For all classes , live and pre recorded .


I fully acknowledge that I am participating of my own free will. I fully understand that while every effort is made to keep the classes and exercises safe and effective ,that as with any type of activity there is a risk of injury.


Due to the nature of the online pre-recorded program, please assess your own risk by ensuring the workout area is clear and safe. I have sought the medical approval of my doctor or practitioner where necessary and have disclosed all details to Nikki about any injuries or illnesses I have. Nikki may refuse access to the program if she feels the sessions are not appropriate for you.


A full refund will be given in this circumstance.


No refunds are available in any other circumstance. Once payment has been received access to the course is full life. Please refrain from sharing the login details with people unknown to Nikki for the reasons above.


General data protection regulations.


I give permission for orchid fitness to use my contact information. It will only be used for communicating between orchid fitness and myself and will not be shared with third parties.


It will be kept securely and used only in line with the GDPR regulations. The information will be held for seven years and archived if I cease to be a member of the programme .After seven years has passed your information will be deleted.


Any information regarding payment will be deleted once it has been used to take any money owed.

Thank you